Accent Color in Clothing


The accent color is the color that contributes the least to the overall hue of an outfit but still plays a key role in making the outfit as interesting as possible.

An accent color makes up only a few percent of the set of clothing and is usually not visible from afar. From up close, though, it defines the whole outfit by giving it an often much needed touch of personality.

It is called “accent” because it accentuates ones clothing in a way that makes the entire get-up memorable and note-worthy.

As always, here’s an example:

Socks: Space Cubes

In this outfit, the two canvas colors are gray (pants) and navy blue (shirt). The accent colors are cyan (analogous to blue) and orange (complementary to blue). Both accent colors are present in the socks. The sub-accent “color” is black (shoes).

Find out how to use accent colors correctly in this article >


Sub-Accent Colors in Clothing


Canvas Color in Clothing